Our church is a place for you to find rest, renewed hope, courage and inspiration ...

Grassington Congregational Church

Future of the Church: Faith, Inclusivity & Community

"Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering & struggle; the tireless exertions & passionate concern of dedicated individuals."

Actions for a brighter future

Continue the good work with children & young people

Continue to support charitable fundraising for local projects and international development causes

Continue to engage with the local community - Grassington Festival, special events etc

Continue to work with other churches in the village on mission, youth work and projects of common interest

Maintain the warmth of our welcome and the genuine concern we have for each other's welfare

Offer Christian education to the adult community through initiatives such as Christianity Explored

Target mission on 30-59 age group, which is almost completely absent from the church

Systematically approach new residents in the area to explain what the church has to offer

Produce introductory leaflet for the church and distribute to hotels/B&Bs/ holiday cottages to encourge holiday worshippers

Why don't we send you our monthly newsletter and details of our special events electronically?