Grassington Congregational Church
Our church is a place for you to find rest, renewed hope, courage and inspiration ...
Grassington Congregational Church
Grounded in the past, focussed on the future
"We limit not the truth of God to our poor reach of mind, by notions of our day and sect, crude, partial, and confined. John Robinson 1620."
Times of Services
10.30am Sunday morning family service
(with Holy Communion on 1st
Sunday in month)
Pilots (for young people)
Fridays:4.45-6.00pm School Year Groups 1-3
6.00-7.30pm School Year Groups 4-6
7.30-9.00pm School Year Groups 7+
7.30-9.00pm School Year Groups 11-13
Find us on Google Maps!
you simply want to see where we are and print out a map of
Grassington click here.
Upload our location to your SatNav
We have prepared a custom POI
(Points of Interest) file containing details of all the
Congregational Federation churches located within the
North-East Area (which includes Grassington). This is in
zipped format, and the Garmin version can be downloaded to
your PC from here.
TomTom users can access the
relevant (zipped) POI file here.
Directions using the AA route planner
If you are
driving up to Grassington and would like directions then
please click here
to access the AA route planner.
Notes for Garmin SatNav/GPS users
In order to upload
our location data to your SatNav you will need the Garmin
POI Loader.
Instructions for use are available here.
If you possess a TomTom SatNav the software you will need
is TomTom
Grassington Congregational Church aims to be an inclusive
fellowship, welcoming people of differing backgrounds and
lifestyles. Through our worship and through the use of our
premises we aim to be a focal point for our local community.
We aim to provide a safe and caring environment for children
and young people where they can be equipped to lead
responsible and fulfilled lives. We aim to be a church which
contains people who have a variety of interpretations of the
Christian faith and heritage. Through our links with other
churches and faith groups we aim to share and proclaim our
common understanding that there is a spiritual dimension to
life. Click here
for further information on the Congregational movement.