Grassington Congregational Church
Our church is a place for you to find rest, renewed hope, courage and inspiration ...
Grassington Congregational Church
Grounded in the past, focussed on the future
"Judge not, and you shall not be judged: condemn not, and you shall not be condemned, forgive, and you shall be forgiven. Luke 6:37"
Times of Services
10.30am Sunday morning family service(with Holy Communion on 1st
Sunday in month)
7.30pm Church Members Meeting
(first Monday in the month)
Pilots (for young people)
Fridays:4.45-6.00pm School Year Groups 1-3
6.00-7.30pm School Year Groups 4-6
7.30-9.00pm School Year Groups 7+
Forthcoming Events/Notices

An example is available here.
200th Anniversary & Beyond !
In 2011 the Church celebrated its 200th anniversary and in
2012 there were various follow-up events to capitalise on
the effective work undertaken & goodwill generated
during that landmark year.
Through the effective preaching & teaching of its
minister and the caring, sympathetic &
non-judgemental pastoral work undertaken by its members,
church attendance continues to grow.
Graveyard Records
The first
comprehensive register of graveyard headstone inscriptions
was prepared by the Wharfedale Family History Group (WFHG).
In September 2010 the Church prepared a revised register
which for the first time incorporated details of ground
mounted cremation memorial plaques. The
full text is available here. Also available is a scaled
plan of the graveyard indicating the positions
of all the grave plots, and a spreadsheet
which locates and cross references the names of those
interred with the inscriptions found on the headstones and
memorial plaques (if any).
Minutes of Meetings
Because of the key role of the Church Meeting in ordering the life of the Church, all its proceedings are recorded in writing - minutes covering the first half of 2013 are available here.
The Diaconate was reconstituted
in its current form in January 2006 and meets bi-monthly.
Minutes of the meetings are not currently taken.
Cradle Roll

Independent Reviews
Have a look here at the article about us which appeared in "The Congregationalist". For a view of what the wider world thinks about us consult Trip Advisor !
Building Projects
From 2007 to 2009 the church attempted to obtain planning
permission/listed building consent for a repair and
redevelopment project that would have introduced additional
accommodation in what is now the first floor gallery above
the chapel. The redevelopment applications failed, primarily
because English Heritage objected to the proposed removal of
some of the original box pews.
Details of the applications are as follows:
2007: Application
for Listed Building Consent Rev C
for Full Planning Permission Rev B
2008: Application
for Listed Building Consent Rev D
2009: Application for Listed
Building Consent Rev E
YDNPA Decision Notice
In 2006 the church decided to apply for planning permission
to extend the Manse at 7 Southwood Lane to provide an
integral garage, study, utility room, downstairs WC and
additional en-suite bedroom. Details of the project are as
Application for Full
Planning Permission
YDNPA Decision
The most recent (2013) planning application was for listed
building consent to replace the timber framed windows
throughout the church's estate. This has now been approved;
details are as follows:
for Listed Building Consent
Decision Notice
The Church, once known as Low Chapel Grassington, has been
a consistent supporter of progressive social causes,
including the abolition of slavery - an issue about which it
petitioned Parliament in 1838 (details here).
The early ministers were no "country bumpkins" - on the
contrary they were highly educated, accomplished and
motivated individuals passionate about the education
and social welfare of not just their own congregations but
of humanity in general. Details of the examinations
undertaken by trainee ministers in 1822 at the Idle Academy,
Bradford are available here.