Grassington Congregational Church
Our church is a place for you to find rest, renewed hope, courage and inspiration ...
Grassington Congregational Church
Restless & ever-changing in the pursuit of God's purposes ...
"Foxes have their holes, the birds their roosts; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head. Matthew 8:20."
Stained Glass

Memorial window in memory of Arthur Lewis, one time Deacon of the church, and his wife Esther. (Click image to enlarge).

Memorial to Arthur Lewis.

Memorial to Esther Lewis.
External Views
Photo taken from “History of the
Dales Congregational Churches” by Thomas Whitehead: Feather
Bros, Keighley, 1930, page 289.
Photo of church and graveyard as
at August 2010 - note that the cement render has been

Photo of first floor gallery (now disused).
Internal Views
Photo taken from “History of the
Dales Congregational Churches” by Thomas Whitehead: Feather
Bros, Keighley, 1930, page 303.
Photo as at August 2010 - note
removal of pipe organ and opening up of dais.
Memorial plaque to Robert Harper, one time minister of the
Reference documentation for those with an interest in the church's history ...
Extract from the “History of the Dales Congregational Churches” by Thomas Whitehead: Feather Bros, Keighley, 1930Earliest letter yet found in church archives (relates to the Deeds and is dated 1879)
Wharfedale Family History Society (pre-1837 birth, baptism & funeral registers, monumental inscriptions etc on CD-Rom)
Comprehensive listing of Gravestone/Memorial Plaque Inscriptions
Graveyard plot allocations Blueprint of Graveyard showing plot positions (detail) Plot Positions (full)