Grassington Congregational Church
Our church is a place for you to find rest, renewed hope, courage and inspiration ...
Grassington Congregational Church
List of key personnel holding office within the church
"That old law about 'an eye for an eye' leaves everybody blind. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Martin Luther King Jr."
Times of Services
10.30am Sunday morning family service
(with Holy Communion on 1st
Sunday in month)
7.30pm Church Members Meeting
(first Monday in the month)
Pilots (for young people)
Fridays:4.45-6.00pm School Year Groups 1-3
6.00-7.30pm School Year Groups 4-6
7.30-9.00pm School Year Groups 7+
Forthcoming Events/Notices
For the latest information see our newsletter - why not request an electronic copy of the latest issue - see below.
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Peter Thomas lives 5mins walk from the
church. He takes the pulpit most Sundays and meets
informally with the congregation and visitors afterwards in
the coffee lounge. Peter is authorised to conduct weddings,
funerals etc and should be contacted directly regarding
matters of pastoral concern. His contact details are
as follows:
Revd Peter R Thomas
7 Southwood Lane
Grassington, Skipton
North Yorkshire BD23 5NA
Tel: 01756-753848
Mobile: 07740543677
Music is a very important part of our
religious life and the church is fortunate in having two
accomplished pianists to lead this important aspect of
ministry. Since 1989 the hymn book used has been "Complete
Mission Praise". Five hymns are usually sung during each
Sunday morning service. Contact details for Helen and Pat
are as follows:
Tel: 01756-753668
Mrs Pat Brand
Tel: 01756-753344
Christine Chisholm has been associated with
the Grassington church since 1973 and has performed the
vital role of church secretary since 1997. She receives and
processes church correspondence, maintains the church diary,
oversees the election of church officers, prepares the
weekly notices and takes the minutes of all members'
meetings. Her contact details are as follows:
Lynchets, Sedber Lane
North Yorkshire
BD23 5QL
Treasurer, Jean Slater, operates the church's bank accounts,
liaises with the HMRC, monitors the church's investments,
and operates the envelope scheme which encourages regular
giving by the congregation. She provides a detailed
financial report at each church meeting for consideration by
the members. Donations are always welcome (!) via the Gift
Aid scheme or otherwise. Jean's contact details are as
17 Garrs Lane
Grassington, Skipton
North Yorkshire BD23 5AT
Tel: 01756-752267
Links to related organisations ...
Congregational Federation
Andrew's Church Skipton (URC/Methodist LEP)
Northern Inter-Schools
Christian Union (NISCU)
Christian youth organisation
Council for World
Mission (CWM)
Churches Together in
Upper Wharfedale