Grassington Congregational Church
Our church is a place for you to find rest, renewed hope, courage and inspiration ...
Grassington Congregational Church
Grounded in the past, focussed on the future
"We limit not the truth of God to our poor reach of mind, by notions of our day and sect, crude, partial, and confined. John Robinson 1620."
Our minister has recently set
up the Craven
Schools Partnership to undertake work previously
carried out by NISCU in the area. Please help support
his mission - donate via the web page!
Times of Services
10.30am Sunday morning family service
(with Holy Communion on 1st
Sunday in month)
Pilots (for young people)
Fridays:4.45-6.00pm School Year Groups 1-3
6.00-7.30pm School Year Groups 4-6
7.30-9.00pm School Year Groups 7+

Donate to the
Leprosy Mission

Donate to
Care for the Family here!
Don't know how to find us?
Click here for directions!
Philosophical Foundations
We are a church of Jesus Christ
discerning God's message for today through detailed study of
the Bible in its historical context and through prayer,
debate and contemplation. Our moral outlook is based on
careful interpretation of Biblical principles applied with
sensitivity and compassion. Crucially, we believe that all
people are created equal before God and that through prayer
and contemplation each and every individual has direct,
unconditional and ready access to him.
We believe in the Church
Universal and accept as fellow communicants the members of
all churches afffiliated to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
Midweek Activities for Adults
Depending on the time of year there are Bible studies,
social events and visits to other churches and venues. There
is an established, well attended women's group (known as the
WAGs: Women About Grassington!) and a craft workers group
has recently been formed.
Charity Fund Raising
Currently the Church supports various charities including:
The Leprosy
Care for the
Christian Aid
Aviation Fellowship
in Mission) International UK - especially its
work in Nigeria
Water Aid.
Form of Worship
Our worship is based on praise, song, prayer
and the Bible. Generally it is led by our minister. Services
last for about an hour and are followed by coffee and chat.
Once a month we celebrate holy communion in which all those
who love the Lord, irrespective of denominational
affiliation, are invited to partake.
We keenly support the ecumenical services that are held in
the village on key dates throughout the Christian year.
Children's Activities & Events
Work with
children is a cornerstone of the church's activity and we
have an active Pilots group (non-uniformed Christian youth
Our minister works half time for the Craven Schools
Partnership (CSP) which seeks to help schools
provide good quality, relevant Christian education through
assemblies, clubs and lessons.
The protection of children in our care against exclusion,
bullying and abuse is a priority. In this regard the Church
has a comprehensive "Safe from
Harm" policy.
Prayer & Contemplation
The church has set up a small group which meets regularly
to bring the needs of those in the local community facing
times of trial to God in prayer.
Grassington Congregational Church aims to be an inclusive
fellowship, welcoming people of differing backgrounds and
lifestyles. Through our worship and through the use of our
premises we aim to be a focal point for our local community.
We aim to provide a safe and caring environment for children
and young people where they can be equipped to lead
responsible and fulfilled lives. We aim to be a church which
contains people who have a variety of interpretations of the
Christian faith and heritage. Through our links with other
churches and faith groups we aim to share and proclaim our
common understanding that there is a spiritual dimension to
life. Click here
for further information on the Congregational movement.
To access local Christian Resources see the Cornerstone
Web Site.